In an era where technological advancements occur at lightning speed, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of transformation. 

The question isn’t whether AI will influence our workplaces—it’s a matter of how much. 

Recent studies and projections suggest that AI is poised to replace a significant number of jobs in the near future. 

In this post, we’ll delve into the roles AI is expected to take over and what that means for the workforce.

1. The End of Telemarketing As We Know It

Rise of Robocalls 

With a 99% probability, telemarketing roles are predicted to decline by a staggering 18.2% by 2031. 

The reason is simple: the job often involves repetitive tasks ripe for automation. Yet, there’s a catch. The unique social perceptiveness and emotional intelligence of a successful human telemarketer cannot be replicated by machines, a nuance that may save some roles from becoming obsolete.

2. Bookkeeping – A Digitized Future

Automation in Bookkeeping 

Bookkeeping clerks face a similar fate, with a 99% chance of AI take-over. The advent of software like QuickBooks signifies a shift towards automated financial management. 

However, the discerning judgment of a seasoned bookkeeper may still carve out a niche that software can’t fill, albeit a shrinking one.

3. Compensation, Benefits, and Automation

The Efficiency of Automated Systems 

Compensation and benefits roles are facing a 96% likelihood of AI replacement. Global companies are rapidly adopting systems like Ultipro to streamline their processes, yet there remains a 41% chance for human managers to retain their roles, thanks to the complexity and personalization required in multinational markets.

4. The Receptionist – An Evolving Role

Automated Scheduling and Calls 

Predicted with a 96% certainty, receptionists might soon find their traditional roles taken over by automated systems. 

The technology to replace much of what a receptionist does—scheduling, call directing—is already here. 

Yet, the receptionist’s role is more than administrative; it’s about building relationships, a human touch that technology can’t quite capture.

5. Couriers and the Drone Age

Delivery Automation 

Couriers have a 94% likelihood of being replaced by AI in the form of drones and robots. 

As we march towards an automated future, the personal touch in delivery services might become a premium service rather than the standard.

6. The Art of Proofreading in AI Times

Proofreading Software 

Proofreaders face a 100% chance of job automation due to sophisticated software. 

Yet, software cannot understand the writer’s intent or the subtle context of language, which only a human proofreader can appreciate and correct.

7. Computer Support in the Age of AI

The Shift to Automated Support 

Computer support specialists might see a 65% replacement rate by AI. 

The internet is rife with guides and hacks for troubleshooting, leading to a potential decrease in demand for human specialists. 

Still, complex problems require nuanced solutions that only humans can provide—at least for now.

8. Market Research Analysts vs. AI

Automated Analytics 

With a 61% likelihood of AI replacement, market research analysts are under siege from automated AI and survey systems that promise faster and more accurate data. 

But the human analyst brings an irreplaceable insight that no AI can currently match.

9. The Changing Face of Ad Sales

Automation in Ad Spaces 

The likelihood of ad sales roles being automated stands at 54%. 

The drift away from traditional ad spaces to digital ones allows marketers to bypass humans and go straight to self-serve platforms. 

Yet, the creativity and strategic thinking of human salespeople remain their ace in the hole.

10. Retail Sales in the Self-Service Era

Self-Checkout and Online Shopping 

Retail salespeople are looking at a 92% likelihood of AI replacement as companies push towards self-service technologies. 

Despite this, many consumers still prefer the nuanced and empathetic interaction that only a human salesperson can provide.


As AI continues to advance, it’s clear that many roles traditionally filled by humans are on the cusp of automation. 

However, there remains a glimmer of hope for the human workforce. The roles that require emotional intelligence, deep understanding, and creative thinking are not easily replaced. As we brace for these changes, it’s crucial to focus on the uniquely human skills that AI cannot replicate.

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