All the latest updates you should know about ChatGPT

All the latest updates you should know about ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is an AI-powered natural language processing tool that enables human-like conversations with chatbots and much more. It can assist with tasks, such as composing emails, essays, and code, and answering questions.

Since its recent launch, the AI chatbot has undergone significant expansion. Notably, major brands are actively experimenting with the technology, utilizing AI to generate advertisements, marketing copy, and more.

OpenAI has also demonstrated a strong commitment to its development. A noteworthy advancement occurred when ChatGPT received a powerful upgrade through integration with GPT-4, the latest language-writing model from OpenAI’s labs. As a result, paying ChatGPT users now have access to GPT-4, which can produce more natural and fluent text compared to the previous model that powered ChatGPT.

Moreover, OpenAI has taken another stride by enabling internet connectivity for ChatGPT through the introduction of plugins. These plugins are currently available in alpha to users and developers on the waitlist, expanding the capabilities and potential of the chatbot.

ChatGPT Updates In July 

As of July 3, browsing functionality has been temporarily disabled due to occasional issues with displaying content in unintended ways. For instance, if a user requests the full text of a URL, the system may inadvertently fulfill the request in an undesired manner. To address this matter, Browse is currently disabled while the necessary fixes are implemented.

On July 20th, ChatGPT introduced custom instructions in beta, granting users greater control over the AI’s responses. With this feature, users can set preferences that guide future conversations. Currently available to Plus users, custom instructions will be expanded to all users in the coming weeks. Enabling the beta feature is simple; users can click on ‘Profile & Settings’, choose ‘Beta features’, and toggle on ‘Custom instructions’. However, it’s important to note that this feature is not yet accessible in the UK and EU.

Another improvement for ChatGPT Plus customers is the increase in message limits when using GPT-4. Starting from July 19th, ChatGPT Plus users can send up to 50 messages every 3 hours with GPT-4.

Furthermore, ChatGPT is introducing the code interpreter in beta for all ChatGPT Plus users on the web. This new feature empowers ChatGPT to run code and grants access to uploaded files. Users can leverage the code interpreter to execute various tasks, including data analysis, chart creation, file editing, mathematical operations, and more. To enable the code interpreter, users can navigate to their settings, select ‘Beta features’, and toggle on the desired beta features they wish to try.

Despite the potential drawbacks, AI tools such as ChatGPT are becoming increasingly integral, and many startups are endeavoring to create specialized versions known as “ChatGPT for X.” For instance, Y Combinator-backed startups are developing AI systems similar to ChatGPT that seamlessly integrate with help desk software, empowering businesses to embed chatbot-style analytics for their customers. Additionally, some companies are utilizing ChatGPT-like interfaces in conjunction with robotic process automation (RPA) and a Chrome extension to expand automation capabilities.

As the adoption of AI tools like ChatGPT expands, it is crucial that we thoroughly assess the implications of their usage and ensure they are employed ethically and responsibly. Equally important is educating users about the potential risks associated with AI tools and how to effectively mitigate those risks. Through conscientious consideration and responsible implementation, AI tools like ChatGPT can serve as powerful instruments for driving productivity and fostering innovation.