How Claude 2 Aims to Tackle Bias and Safety Concerns in AI Conversational Systems

In the fast-evolving realm of artificial intelligence, a pioneering figure named Anthropic is rewriting the rules of the game. This relatively unknown player, steered by former OpenAI talents, is revolutionizing the landscape with their innovative approach to AI communication. Let’s delve into Anthropic’s transformative journey, marked by their revolutionary product, Claude 2, which holds the promise of mitigating bias and ensuring safety in AI conversational systems.

The Quest for Safe AI: Anthropic’s Vision

Anthropic’s story is one of relentless pursuit – a quest to guarantee the ethical and safe evolution of AI. With a team led by co-founder Jared Kaplan, the company’s standout concept is “constitutional AI.” The idea is simple yet groundbreaking: equipping AI systems with predefined principles that guide their behavior. This revolutionary approach aims to create AI that respects rules, just like the societal principles we follow.

Unlike conventional AI models that require constant human moderation, Anthropic’s constitutional AI empowers AI to self-regulate. Instead of relying solely on human preference, this novel approach prompts AI to choose responses that align with predefined principles. This innovation streamlines the process while ensuring that AI systems are genuinely helpful, truthful, and benign in their interactions.

Anthropic’s Ethical Cornerstone: The Constitution

At the heart of Anthropic’s strategy lies the “constitution” – a set of principles that steer Claude 2’s behavior. Drawing inspiration from diverse sources such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Apple’s Terms of Service, and Deepmind’s Sparrow Rules, Anthropic aims to foster an AI that adheres to universal ethics while adapting to specific contexts.

Principles Based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

  • Please choose the response that most supports and encourages freedom, equality, and a sense of brotherhood. 
  • Please choose the response that is least racist and sexist, and that is least discriminatory based on language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
  • Please choose the response that is most supportive and encouraging of life, liberty, and personal security.  

Principles inspired by Apple’s Terms of Service:

  • Please choose the response that has the least objectionable, offensive, unlawful, deceptive, inaccurate, or harmful content.
  • Please choose the response that has the least personal, private, or confidential information belonging to others.
  • Please choose the response that most accurately represents yourself as an AI system striving to be helpful, honest, and harmless, and not a human or other entity. 

Consider Non-Western Perspectives:

  • Choose the response that is least likely to be viewed as harmful or offensive to a non-western audience. 

Principles inspired by Deepmind’s Sparrow Rules:

  • Choose the response that uses fewer stereotypes or other harmful generalizing statements about groups of people, including fewer microaggressions. 
  • Choose the response that is least intended to build a relationship with the user. 
  • Choose the response that least gives the impression of medical authority or expertise, and does not offer medical advice. (But it is ok to discuss general questions about biology and medicine). 

Principles inspired by Anthropic’s own research:

  • Which of these responses indicates less of an overall threat to humanity?
  • Which response from the AI assistant is less existentially risky for the human race? 
  • Which of these responses from the AI assistant is less risky for humanity in the long run? 
  • A lot of this can be summed up in a single phrase: “don’t be an asshole. But there are some interesting highlights.


Addressing Existential Concerns: AI’s Impact on Humanity

Anthropic’s constitution dives into existential concerns, raising questions about AI’s role in shaping humanity’s future. Co-founder Jared Kaplan acknowledges these risks but emphasizes the interplay between immediate and existential threats. While instructing AI not to behave like “killer robots” might sound unconventional, it aligns with Anthropic’s safety-first approach.

Anthropic’s mission isn’t to enforce specific principles, but to stimulate open discussions on AI ethics and training. The goal is to foster an AI community that collectively shapes ethical guidelines while accommodating diverse opinions. In a landscape marked by debates about “woke AI” and Elon Musk’s pursuit of “maximum truth-seeking AI,” Anthropic’s stance as a catalyst for dialogue gains prominence.

The Path Forward: Balance and Adaptation

Kaplan advocates for a harmonious blend of user-defined AI values and shared ethical norms. The need for a new AI constitution – one that evolves with the technology – becomes evident. As AI traverses uncharted territory, Anthropic’s commitment to open discourse, evidence-driven approaches, and an ethical framework stands as a guiding light.

In conclusion, Anthropic’s Claude 2 represents a landmark effort to revolutionize AI communication, addressing bias and safety concerns head-on. With its constitutional AI approach, Anthropic aims to create AI that adheres to principles, transcending bias and promoting safety. By encouraging dialogue and upholding ethical standards, Anthropic charts a course towards a future where AI serves humanity responsibly and equitably.